Did you launch sales on Facebook already?
Not BLOWN away by the results?
Here’s some food for thought for you:
For the majority of you, I can almost guarantee that your first spike in sales on that launch probably came from MOF or an already primed audience (go ahead and check your data). You got hyped on that and said, “here we go!” - and now it's kind of just... there. Converting, but not pacing at the goal you had in mind. I’ll explain why in a minute…
The TOF audiences that “crush” are most likely waiting to buy until it's actually Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Why? You’re NOT the only brand they are choosing this year.
Think about this for a second, most consumers are looking to get all of their shopping done in a single day or a weekend. This has been true for past years, and it is no different this year.
Your ATCs and Cost per ATC probably look fantastic, right?
Even further proof that consumers are saving carts until choosing the right day to purchase it all.
Just like old times, when grandma spent a full day at the mall or driving to stores to buy everything, for everybody. It happens in eCommerce folks.
What's the advice, Jake?
Your main goal right now is cheap traffic. Cheaper, in the sense that it’s costing you less to get eyeballs and move people INTO the funnel than it was two weeks ago. If all of that is lined up, then you’re primed for a great sale.
Hold strong to your plan, stop cycling in 30 pieces of creative every day because you didn't get the sales you had today that mimic that of the first day. If the creative/offer converted when you first launched the sale, and you have strong intent metrics, you’ll be fine.
A final piece of parting advice, this should not just be your goal for BFCM. This should ALWAYS be your goal. How can I repeat this cycle of building an audience, capturing value, and then repeating on a pattern every few months?
I’m off for a few days. Weird time to take off, I know. But I’m celebrating a birthday with the family and allowing my team to regain some lost sleep and sanity before the weekend.
I wish you all the very best. Truly, I hope you stay true to your plans this year, and please remember to zoom out. Remember what year this is. Remember the bigger picture.
Until next time,